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Vibrating Hamster

21 13:30:09

I have a female "Black Bear", and she is really sweet.  I have a few questions...

I've been spending lots of time with her, talking to her, and petting her and letting her crawl on me and run around in her ball and stuff.  Tonight when I took her out, she followed me everywhere I went, amost like she was chasing me.  I thought it was a fluke, so I picked her up and petter her some more, and when I put her down, she did it again.  Is this common?  What does it mean?  She didn't seem aggressive, just happy to be out running around.  She also seems to follow my voice.  Am I crazy?

Lastly, when I held her last night, she was "vibrating".  I've never heard of that.  She wasn't making any noise, but she was literally vibrating!  What does that mean?

Thanks for any insight.

Dear Lianne,
thank you for your question.
It's rare, but some hamsters really have dog-like qualities. I know a dwarf hamster that will follow her owner around the room. So no, you're not crazy, you just have a very special hamster.
I'm not sure about the vibrating. It might have been excitement  or she was ready to breed. Most female hamster will keep very still with their tail raised high for minutes when you touch their back (one stroke forom the head to the tail works best), it looks really weird. But I had one hamster that vibratet like yours did while doing this.
I hope I was of some help to you