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Hamster lethargic

21 13:32:44


Thanks.  We have a teddy bear hamster... got her a few months ago.  She has always been very active and friendly.  Recently she stopped spending any time out of her little resting area.  She used to come out and play, esp at night.  Now its rare, and only when we pressure her to come out.  When she does emerge, she appears tired and less active.

any thoughts?  Thanks for your help...

Hey, Howard.
Any sudden changes in behavior... especially the one you mentioned in which an active hamster becomes lazy all of the sudden... probably means that your hamster is sick.  The best thing you can do for her is to keep a close eye on her.  Make sure she's eating and drinking water.  If she's not, or if she doesn't show any signs of improvement whatsoever in 1 or 2 days, then you should take her to the vet.  She could possibly have an intestinal infection or something similar.  These can be treated with antibiotics that a vet will give to your hamster.

Hope this helps and hope your hamster gets better soon.  If you have any more questions on anything, I'll be glad to help out.