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robo hamsters

21 11:33:56

We purchases 2 robo hamsters approx. 1 month ago.  They were together in cage when we bought them and were told that they we siblings.  We now have them at home in a cage together and they seem to fight a lot.  This has been going on for the past 4 days.  Do we need to seperate them?  I don't know much about this type of hamster - we had dwarf hamsters (2) in one cage and they got along great.

Any advice you can give would be great.


Hi Sandy,

i have over 20 hamsters and most of them are Roborovskis.

I have never had any trouble with any of them getting on so maybe they are just trying to sort out which is the dominant one?

You need to make sure they have the biggest cage you can afford - just because they are the smallest hamster it doesnt mean they need a small cage!

You should make sure you have two piles of food - not dishes!  Two water bottles, two wheels, two of everthing - even sleeping places and that should stop most of the fighting.

If it still doesnt stop them then please see my previous answers on how to introduce two new hamsters - you may have to do this, reintroduce them for the fighting to stop.

If you cant find my previous answer then please just let me know and i will rewrite it.

Good Luck.

Kind Regards,
