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HELP!im worried and confused

21 11:43:40

ok i have these Syrian (ithink) hamsters.i got one 4 days before the other i first got the female then the male. the male is much bigger then the female so is it a teddybear? and the female made a nest in her wheel and whenever the male tries to go in she attacks but when there downstairs or anywhere else there best friends why? and i built this nest for the male since he didn't have the wheel and so the female took his nest to her nest why did she? lastly when my male hammy bites you he will just leave his teeth on the surface and not pierce your skin does he even have teeth? thanks alot im a first time owner (= p.s i sent this question 2 someone else n never got answerd THANKYOU SO MUCH !!

Please separate the 2 hamsters. Syrians are solitary animals and cannot live together. The only reason they are together in the pet store is because they are still rather young. As they age they get territorial and do not like having other hamsters around. Please separate them now before more fighting occurs.