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Hamster boredom gone!

21 13:28:02

Hi katie!
Thanks for your great advice on letting my hamster Carlos outside for a bit every now and then. he just got back from the garden and he loved it!
I just need to know, what precautions do i need to take other than cats or other animals?
he kept trying to eat these leaves and there were a few ants around too.
i don't want to constantly surround him otherwise he doesnt get any space lol!

Can you help?
Georgina xx


      Make sure that there are no ants on him when he goes back inside, search him well so ants don't get in his bedding. I wouldn't let him eat the leaves, instead bring some treats outside that he can munch on instead of the leaves. I am glad he enjoyed being outside. Sit somewhere where you can still see him but where you are not very up close. This way he has his space and he is safe.

Thanks for writing, Glad he enjoyed his little adventure.