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i love animals

21 11:30:25

i love animals and i want to get another dwarf hamster because willybear my dwarf hamster is the only on i have and i think he is lonely and needs a friend.  I'm on track cheer and i help out at zoo and petstors. they all say its ok but willybear has been alone since Jane 13 of this year for my B-day. and to me i think he will be jelus an anothers question is it ok if a dwarf and a roborovski are in the same cage if not i will get the roborovski hamster its own cage. i just don't want to hurt them is all can you help me please.  my brother wants a hamster just a plain one is it bad to put that with the dwarf hamster.

Hi Mia,

i am glad you decided to ask before going ahead and just doing it!

First of all different species of hamster should never be kept together at all!  It will stress out both hamsters and they will not have a very happy life - they may even kill each other - so please never keep different specied of hamsters together.

What species is your dwarf hamster?

Your dwarf hamster is very used to living on his own now and is probably very happy that way - it is very unlikely that he is lonely - he would not take likely to an intruder coming to live in his territory and it would probably make him very unhappy too!  Also, it is very hard and usually impossible to introduce two hamsters who dont know each other - they would probably end up killing each other!!

If you want to get another hamster then you will definately need another cage - if you get a Roborovski then it is a good idea to get a same sex pair from the same litter and keep them in the same cage, because Roborovskis are very social and need company - so get two and a new cage for them.

If you or your brother decide to get a "normal" hamster - i think you mean a big hamster? then that is a Syrian hamster.  Syrian hamsters are solitary which means they must live on their own in their own cage - if more than one is kept in the same cage then they will fight to the death  - IN ALL CASES THEY WILL FIGHT UNTIL ONE IS DEAD!!! - So please only get one Syrian if that is the hamster you want.

Please show this whole answer to your parents or guardians so they know which hamsters can be brought and which can have company!!

Please let me know what you decide to do and just get back to me straight away if you need any more help.

Kind Regards,
