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gerbil cages,glass?

21 11:30:24

 Hi Tammy! I have two gerbil/hamster one is a wired cage with 2 stories, and the other one is a glass aquarium, 10 gallon, with a mesh top. I have two gerbils, and they are kept in the wired cage.  The problem is that I can't put very much corn cob in it, because it gets all over the floor when they dig, but I always hear that I'm supposed to put as much bedding as possible because they love to dig. I've tried putting something around the cage, but the bedding still gets everywhere! My mom hates it! I would switch them to the aquarium, but my mom says not to because she thinks the greenhouse effect may kill them. Is this true? Also, I think they have more room in the wired cage. Should I just get a new kind of cage entirely?  If you can't answer this question because it has to do with gerbils, please answer the question as if it were hamsters instead, so if I ever do get a hamster, (and I probably will, I've had 2 in the past) I'll know what to do. Thank you, - Jenny

Hi Jenny,

i cant answer questions on gerbils.

Hamsters can live in glass aquariums fine and they are much easier to keep clean and to stop them from escaping - just make sure it is not placed in an area with direct sunlight.

Kind Regards,
