Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > i dropped my hamster

i dropped my hamster

21 11:43:31

I dropped my 9 week old hamster can i kill him?
he bit me later on when i went to pet him is this normal?

Hi J,

I'm hoping you mean if the fall could've hurt him. If so, you most likely will not have killed him. If so you'd be able to tell. The fact that he bit you is very normal as he is know worried as to falling again. Unfortunately, you have lost his trust but you may be able to gain it back. For the next couple days, let him chill but do this as well. You may need to hand-train your hamster so he is not so scared. Take out his food bowl and when he seems to be searching for it, put your hand in with a couple pieces of food and wait for him to come to you. When he does just let him eat. Do this a lot. After a couple times start gently petting his back so he knows being in your hand is safe. After doing this a while, you can eventually take him completely out of the cage and he will hopefully not be so scared. When you do take him out for the first time, don't do anything to wild. Sit on a soft surface close to the ground (you should always do this) for if he falls, it will not be painfull. Just let him run through your hands a bit and put him back in his cage. Do this a lot for the next couple weeks. I hope everything works out for you. GOOD LUCK!
