Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My hamster died... was it a heart attack?

My hamster died... was it a heart attack?

21 13:28:08

i had a hamster that passed away 2 days ago. she was  
1 year and 10 months , and extremely loved and healthy. we had a very loud thunderstrorm and i moved her into the bathroom, but i dont think that was enough. the next day i went to check on her and   she was dead. Did the storm give her a heart attack... or no. thank you very much


It sounds as though it most likely was, unfortunately.

Hamsters are very skiddish when it comes to loud and sudden noises. If the noise is loud enough and sudden enough, it is very possible to scare the hamster enough that it has a heart attack.

I'm so sorry for your loss.