Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > drawf hamster

drawf hamster

21 11:15:54

Hi have 2 drawf hamsters and they are really cute but every time i reach down to hold them they bite me what should i do

Dear Hannah,
Make sure that your hands don't smell like anything and are clean. Also be sure to visit them around the same time every evening to get them used to you. Spread your scent in their cage but touching the bedding and items before bed every night. When you hold them if they start to nibble on you blow on their nose to make them stop, but be careful in case they jump. I would recommend holding them low to the ground in a safe area. Feed your hamster treats as you are holding them so that they are chewing on that. After awhile they should get used to you. Be sure not to startle them when you go to pick them up, such as when they are sleeping. Also talk to them softly when you are around because their hearing is much better than their eye sight.

Good luck,