Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my gerbil is going to have babies ( i think) and the boy fights or play fight with her

my gerbil is going to have babies ( i think) and the boy fights or play fight with her

21 11:22:05

1 day me and my sis were talking and saw our gerbil on top of the other BUT we went to the pet store and they said they were both girls but they weren't really sure so now were afraid that are other gerbil is pregnant!

what should we do if she is pregnant?and how long would it take to wait and sell them?

Dear Angie,
Since the pet store said they were both female, she may have been rubbing her scent gland on her. That is how gerbils 'mark their territory'.
Also, the mating ritual for gerbils usually takes awhile,and usually when gerbils want to mate they will thump their feet as a sign. Unless you heard the thumping or were there a long time watching (how rude, lol! Just kidding)I don;t think your gerbil is pregnant.