Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > heya my pet hamster has scabby ears and tail and now spreading to his balls

heya my pet hamster has scabby ears and tail and now spreading to his balls

21 11:22:05

my hamster has started to get scabby ears like rotten away and his tail but only the end bit it looks like its rotten away slowly and now it has spread to the balls  i really want to know what it is and i haven't got a vet around my area that does hamsters so what should i do, how would i treat it i am really scared for him as he is my first hamster and i have only had him for about a month

Dear Tasha,
Could this have been the cause of a fight? If there are other hamster(s) in the cage it might have been fighting. Since you can't take  him to a vet, I guess you could try putting a disinfectant cream (but try it on a cut you have to make sure it doesn't sting,I know it sounds  like I want you to get hurt but I don't. If it hurts a little on you,    imagine it on an animal 1/1000 of your size... :,( ow.
I don't know what else you can do.Sorry I haven't been of much help.