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Fighting Dwarf Hamsters

21 13:29:04


We purchased a dwarf hamster 4 months ago and within a week she had 6 babies.  We gave away all but one of the babies.  The pet store said it would be fine to keep one of her daughter's since they were introduced early.  Now the mom seems to be fighting and attacking her daughter.  We found her back legs a little bloody and some fur torn off in between her legs.  This just started a few days ago, but doesn't seem to be stoppping.  Why did this start after they have been sharing a cage for 4 months?  Is it best to keep them separated going forward?  


      After the baby reaches a certain age she should have been seperated from her mother. The fighting just most likely started now because your younger hamster has reached her adult level, at this level females are very territorial and fight if they are in with another hamster. Seperate them as soon as possible, this will prevent further injury to your hamters.

Hope this helped, thanks for writing