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I have a Dwarf Hamster... and a weird question

21 13:31:28

I got my hamster about 2 months ago from a friend, and it seemed to be in good shape. Which it is... but my question, is can/do hamsters have a menstrual cycle? I noticed mine was bleeding from that region under its tail yesterday. I can't really afford a vet right now.. and my mom says that they can have a period.. but I just wanted to know for sure. It's kind of scaring me bc I have bad luck with pets, and I want this one to go right. Please help!  

Nope, hamsters do not have periods, if your hamster is bleeding out that region, which mine did once, it might be a sign of blader infection, I forget what happened to mine after that. Theres probably nothing you could have done to prevent it so dont be too hard on yourself.