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how big should a cage be?

21 11:53:25

i was thinking about getting a panda bear hamster and i was wondering
how big a cage should be for just one of them.

hi emmie,

im not entirely sure on precise measurements, but your cage wants to be big enough so your hamster has plenty of running space, for a panda bear hamster i suggest going to the pet store and telling them how much you are willing to spend and what the best option of cages would be, bearing in mind they may try to sell you something expensive just to a make a sale, so look at the really big cages first and make your way down to one you think looks of good size. rotastak cages are good, but you should buy at least 2 compartments for a large hamster.

best of luck and thanks for your question, feel free to ask again, and do let me know how you get on.

joanne :)