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My hamsters stomach is larger...

21 11:30:39

It's a female black/white bear hamster. I have no male hamsters with her and this month I notice her stomach to be larger. She's eating and drinking water. Her breathing is more noticeable. She seems to have some difficulty to move because of her stomach. I put her in her wheel she did move for a while but not as active as she usually is. Then she gets tired and goes to sleep. I really have no idea what's wrong. I appreciate any information you can give me.


Sorry to hear you are worried about your hamster.

Hamsters can get tumors, which, if they grow in the abdomen can make their stomach swell and make it difficult to walk.  If this is the case, it could be preventing her from breathing properly.  Alternatively, hamsters can get ovarian cysts which make their stomachs swell.

Some females do put on a lot of weight (more than the males), but it usually doesn't affect their breathing/walking etc.

I strongly advise you to get her checked out by a vet.  Clearly something isn't right with her and you could find that whatever is wrong is treatable if you get her seen straightaway.

Good luck with this.  Please let me know how you get on.
