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my hamster babies

21 11:30:39

I bought a golden syrian (teddy bear) male hamster back in march, I've recently purchased another one, a black and white syrian (panda bear) female hamster. The female a few weeks after getting it escaped, we found her within five minutes, but it was still kinda scary. Anyway, early Friday morning she had a liter of 5, and I didnt even know she was pregnant, I usually clean each cage out every saturday, and wasnt able to get her cage clean before she had the babies, it's now been almost a week and her cage smells like glass cleaner because of all the ammonia. When can I safely clean the cage, and if its not for a while, is this smell/fragerance damaging to my hamster and her babies?

I know the stink can get to be real awful, but trust me, waiting until the babies are 2 weeks old is the safest bet. My female recently had a litter of 5 as well, and she kept moving  her nest to the left every few days to leave me a dirty spot. The mother ham doesn't like anything with her babies to change, and the slightest scent difference may lead her to eat her babies. She is less likely to eat her babies when they are 2 weeks, making it safe for you to clear out the litter, leave the nest alone though, so she still has a familiar scent. If you notice she is using one corner in particular for wee, and it is fairly clear from the nest, you may clear out just that corner and replace it with fresh litter.