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Hamster websites needed

21 11:52:55

Kelly or anyone else,
I'm looking for reputable websites with accurate information on hamster and dwarf hamster care and health issues, both basic and very advanced.  I do small animal rescue and have an opportunity to refer these sites to the head of a system of shelters, for use by all his staff.  Any recommendations would be very welcome. ALso, the same applies to all other small animals, if you happen to have resources for other small furries.


Hi Cari,

My favorite pet website is

It's pretty extensive, especially the hamster section.  Besides the basics (housing, breeding, etc.), it also has a cross-reference for illnesses, and it has a long list of what your hamster can and cannot eat.  It's helped me more than any other pet website.  It also has sections on cats, dogs, horses, mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, and gerbils.  The gerbil section is still under maintenance, however, so I use this website for gerbils:

Another good hamster website:

This website can also help you in sexing hamsters:

I'm not at my home computer right now, so I don't have all my links in front of me.  If I find any more for you, I'll post a follow-up.

Have a great day!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
