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My two hamsters are fighting

21 11:31:58

I recently got two hamsters. The store said they were regular hamsters. When I got them home I put them both in a brand new cage. I bought them two separate so I could breed them. When I got them in they were very cautious. They mated a couple of times and then when their separate ways. Then when I got up the next morning they were fighting. I split them up and the male had a cut under his eye and the female had a bunch of mated fur. The rest of the day they were fine. Two days later they fought again and I let it go to see if they were playing but they weren't. I split them up again and the female had cuts on her belly. What I am asking is if I can have them stay in the same cage for their entire lives as I originally planned. They seem fine together and the male seems to follow her a lot but they seem to get in little fights and afterwards they are back to normal.

Please separate your hamsters ASAP. Syrian hamsters are never meant to be kept together past 2-3 months age. After this time they will viciously fight one another over territory, regardless of the amount of time spent together before they aged. This fighting can, and does usually result in one of the hamsters dying. Also a pregnant mother, or mother with pups needs her own private cage. Pet stores really don't inform potential owners of this, as they are usually only interested in profit and not the well being of the animals they sell, or they just don't know this simple hamster fact. It's good you bought a separate cage, your female will thank you.