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Hamsters and televisions

21 11:40:31

I just got a dwarf hamster today and it's in a cage on my dresser, next to a television. Right around 1 AM, I'm getting to bed, and I turn my TV on. The hamster runs and hides in a corner of it's cage that's covered by a running wheel (which appears to be it's favorite place to hide at the moment). I was wondering if my hamster was just frightened by a new noise in a new environment or if, as my TV is getting on in age, that high-pitched, TV-is-on noise could be damaging to his/her ears. Even if it was just frightened, is it possible that the TV could hurt my new friend?

Hi Devon,

The hamster is frightened by the noise, and it is damaging to its ears.  I would strongly advise that you move the cage somewhere else.  The TV may be on a very low volume, but hamsters have very sensitive ears.  The noise would be a constant stress (which leads to several diseases, including the fatal wet-tail).  Also, the noise would damage the hamster's eardrums.  Try to move the cage across the room, as far away from the TV as possible.

Have a great day, and good luck with your new arrival!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
