Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > help lol

help lol

21 13:26:25

i brought a hamster from the pet shop yest, its very large and seems to be bulky both sides, we had someone who breeds hamsters come round yest and they had said shes pregnant, but why would the pet shop sell a pregant hamster.... im not angry,just scared as i havent got a clue what to do ? shes already started building a nest and she has put food in the corner, ive got her in a wire cage, can i clean her out ? what things can i do when shes had babys ? please help reply to my email adress thank u  

Hey Sarah! First I'd like to congradulate you on the begining journey of HAMSTERS *CHEERS*.  Well Let me just start that right this second clean the cage and DO NOT clean it again for around....3-4 weeks this will stress the mother and it might kill the children.  Then....The pet stores are not exactly pet stores, more "Pet Suppliers" they usually have no idea what GENDER the Hammy is let alone if pregnent, or not.  When she delivers the Mini-Hams DO NOT TOUCH THEM!! They are like baby birds and the mother will reject them.  Ok This is the marrority of what you need to know change food and water daily, and switch them even if not much was eatin.  And at around 6 weeks seperate them into Male/Female cages and please give them to the breeder he will make a better keeper then the store. Hope this helps and good luck!
