Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Escaped Gerbils

Escaped Gerbils

21 11:56:28

Hi Shawntiah, can you please give any advice you may have on how to catch gerbils?  Both of my gerbils have chewed through one of their tunnels and have gone through a hole under the gas boiler to the floorboards.  I have tried their favourite food at the top of the hole, have tried banging the boiler to scare them out, I'm worried sick they will harm themselves, the boiler technician say they could chew through the electrics and electrocute themselves so I need to get them out pretty quick.  Please help?

I really do you think you have tried everything that can be done. once gerbils escape it is really hard to catch them again. it's a 50/50 chance that you will get them back. i know you care about them a lot. the last thing you could do was place the whole cage beside the holw and hope they go in there.