Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My hamster has a big bald spot. why?

My hamster has a big bald spot. why?

21 11:56:28

My hamster has one large bald spot on his back and a secound small on his back too. Why is this? Is he sick? What is causing this to happen? His name is Kibbles. He is not even one year old yet. And he should be in great shape, he runs on his wheel every day, eats the diet hamster food, he sleeps with this stuff that looks and feels like cotten but is made for hamsters, and right now he is taking a bath like he usually does. why do you think this is happening? And how can I treat it with out going to a vet?

Thank you!


Dear Oraya,
thank you for your question.
You need to see a vet with your hamster. I can only guess at what causes those bald spots because I have no medical training. Mites or a fungal infection can cause hair loss. Both should be treated by a vet. Over the counter-medications are in most cases useless, expensive and can even be dangerous.
I'm sorry that I cannot be of more help