Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > syrian hamster has a wart on its ear

syrian hamster has a wart on its ear

21 11:34:05

hi, I have a syrian hamster which has developed a hard wart like growth next to its ear. it is about two years old so is quite old. is this normal? I am worried about her. she seems very happy in general, running around and eating and drinking etc like she always has done. she doesn't act sick at all.
thanks for your help

Hi Glen

When hamsters reach this age they are prone to all kinds of problems - often they get tumors.  The fact that you describe this to be more of a wart like growth makes me think it could be polyomavirus.  These can be removed, however, anaesthetic for a 2 year old isn't very wise.

I would be tempted to monitor the situation.  Make a note of how large this wart is and if it is growing.  I would also boost her immune system - give her human baby food - the powdered variety is great - mix a little with water and give her a small amount every few days, along with her usual food.  You don't want her to have this all the time as she will get lazy and her teeth will overgrow.  This will give her extra nutrients.  Also, you could get some pet vitamin drops.

If the wart starts to grow aggressively and/or her behavior  or body condition changes, I would suggest getting a vet to examine her.
