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My gerbil is dead...

21 11:59:50

I couldn't find anyone that could help him. All the vets in my area only take care of cats and dogs. Thank you for trying to help me,though. I did as you said and kept him warm until the end. He was only a year old. He passed away while I was at work yesturday morning (Saturday). I still wish I knew what was wrong with him. Can you figure out what was wrong? His symptoms were: He couldn't walk. He had blood in his urine. He was cold to the touch. His breathing was heavy and labored. We had to give him water through an eyedropper. He had trouble eatting. He slept all the time. And when he tried to walk or atand, he would wobble from side to side.
Can you please help me figure out what was wrong with him so I can start my little healing process? I would be so greatful..


Firstly i am so sorry for your loss, it is terrbile, and i wish there was more i could've done!!

I will do my best to see what best matches that description and will send you a follow up email as soon as i can. I will go the the vets i have contact with, and see if they can tell me what it sounds like.

There will be no guarantee that what i say is what it will be because without a post-mortem there is no definte way of telling. Vets can offer post-mortems i believe, although they are very pricey!

I will update you as soon as i can, although it may not be until the weekend...i hope this isn't too long for you? My first instinct is it sounds like a stroke, except the blood in the urine suggests something more so i will see what i can do, ok.

I am soo soo sorry once again and will do what i can,
Thank you,