Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > A


21 13:27:56

Dear Danielle,
   If my hamster has a "gimp" (I looked it up and I was told that it was when a hamster lifts its leg up really high while it walks)is this bad? She is about 4 1/2 months old. Should I worry? She acts normal besides the problem with her leg. Please help!

If she is having no other problems, then it is most likely not a need for concern. If she is acting normal, eating and drinking, and being just as playful, she should be fine. The gimp could've been caused from any number of possiblities, including being stepped on by her mother or father when she was just a pup. If she begins to show a decrease in activity, or shows any other symptoms, I would have her examined by a veterinarian. Otherwise, she should be just fine.

Hope this helps!