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Sneezing Hamsters

21 13:27:56

Dear Shawntiah Jones,
   I have two syrian hamsters, Charlie and Gavin, and they are always making this sniffle-sneeze type of noise. Is this bad?  

Hello! Awwww.. if they are alwayss making sniffle sneeze it sounds like allergies or a respiratory problem. What type of bedding are you using?? Ceder or pine bedding is not good for small animals. It causes lung and liver disease in small animals. Use aspen bedding, if you are using aspen bedding than I would try carefresh or soft sorbent bedding. If the sneezing or sniffles doesn't stop take them to the vet. I don't know anything on the market that would help with a hamster's sneezing. Take them to a vet though as it is the best option to make sure nothing is wrong with them. Good Luck and keep me posted. :-)