Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > is this normal???

is this normal???

21 11:50:14

hi Kelly,

my hamster patches had her babies and the babies are 2 and a half weeks old now. i cleaned the cage and she will not nurse them. is it because they are old enough to drink water now? she does not sleep with them she sleeps on the other side of the cage is this normal? plz i need ur help.

Hi Dylan,

It sounds like your hamster has decided that her babies are weaned now.  (Most babies are weaned at the age of 3 weeks, but 2 1/2 weeks is not very unusual.)  Make sure to scatter dry hamster mix throughout the cage, so the babies will have plenty to eat.  And, make sure to lower the water bottle so that they can reach it.

Wait another 2-3 days before you move the babies to another cage.  (Unless the mother starts being aggressive towards her babies - in that case, you would need to move them right away.)

Once the babies are in their new cage, they should stay in this cage for another 3 weeks.  Then, when they are 6 weeks old, they can go to new homes.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
