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infection and what to do

21 11:28:56

History:  My daughter's teddie bear hamster has seemed to be healthy and happy.  A short while back she mentioned that there was some white liquid coming from Shakey's back end.  I thought it was just pee.  We did do some checking on line and white pee was okay.  Right??  Well, within the last 20 to 45 days things have really progressed.  There was a hard, red  lump of inflamation in the same area.  I did not see it, but my daughter came to me with a tissue full of puss.  We clean and did some squeezing and continued to get more.  After a few days things were looking good.  We treated the area with Hydo Proxide and a antibotic ointment.  She started secreting more of the puss and when we gently squeezed the area a large glop came out and after a broken sac that seemed to house the puss.  The smell was so foul.  Things seem to be looking better and tonight we again have some seepage of puss.  On thing we did notice when we brought  Shakey home from pet store that her living area seemed to alway smell really bad.  And not a urine smell, just bad.  Now the area the puss seems to come from is her rectom.  The poop in not runny or wet.  Other than the medicine we have been using her back side is clean and dry.  The places where she pees and poops has cleared up from the origonal, I would not call it red, but very pink to a skin pink to white.  She eats and drinks well,  is active and  even with all the poking and proding, squeezing and whiping she has not bitten us once.  What could be wrong with her and is there anything I can do from home for her.  Please check and see.

In my opinion, you have done all that you can do from home. It is good that she is still eating and drinking well and is active! However, whatever is causing the puss could be deeper than just a surface infection. She could have a bladder infection, or a recurring abscess (I wasn't sure whether you were saying the puss was coming from her insides, or from the lump on her underside).

The best thing to do now, while also continuing to clean and keep an eye on the area, is to take her to a vet. You have done great from home so far, but it's time to find out what is causing the problem.