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hamster fun

21 11:32:08

umm.. my white winter dwarf hamsters i just got 2 days ago. they are gettin to like my but they were for adoption so i dont kno the age are sex.also there in a 10 gal aquarium so i dont kno what to give them for fun because i dont have money at this point. also i dont kno if they had a bad life or anything. can u help me on any???

Hi John,

First of all good on you for adopting these animals. Good things to get for your hamsters to play with are toilet roll tubes. If you can spare a few pounds or dollars or whatever currency you have, i suggest buying them an excersize wheel, they really don't cost much about 4 pounds in UK money, and wooden chews for a few pence or cents are essential, they need it for their teeth. Go to your local pet store and see what you can pick up for cheap :)

as far as wether they have had a bad life or not in uncertain, i wouldn't have thought so if they are pretty friendly towards you. See some of my past answers on how to tame them properly :)

Take them to a pet shop and they will age and sex them for you :)

Best of luck with your new hamsters and thank you for your question :)

Joanne xx