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my hammy

21 11:16:05

hi my hamster broke his leg, i took him to the vet and he said theres nothing he can do. my hamster cant get up or go to his food dish, so i have to spoon feed him baby food. is the anything i can give him to help his leg heal quicker? thankyou.

Dear Rosalind,
thank you for your question.
Did the vet give the hamster any medication for the pain? It's true that there cannot be done much about broken legs, but pain medication should be given. Baby food is not that good for the hamster as an only food, try to get some Critical Care as the main food, mixed with oat meal The baby food can be given as well, either alone or mixed in with the other foods. has a list of good rodent vets.
I hope I was of some help to you