Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My hamster is really sick i think hes dying!!!

My hamster is really sick i think hes dying!!!

21 11:14:35

Can you help, my hamsters left eye is swollen shut and the are around it is hairless. also it can't eat or drink and it really is not moving just laying down and breathing other working eye slightly open. its long past the night so i cant go to the vet and i live in HK, China, plz help me get my hamster to live up to tomorrow so that i can take him to a vet!!!!


I'm sorry to hear that your hamster isn't well.

You haven't said how old your hamster is and whether this is old age or if he is actually sick.

Regarding his eyes, you can gently wipe these with a damp cloth to help them open.  If hamster eyes don't open daily pus can build up behind them, so this is important. If the eye looks too sore, then don't worry about this tonight.

When did he last eat/drink?  If you get some fluids and put them in a dropper can you get him to take these?  If so, I would strongly advise that you do this.  If you have any oral rehydration powders then you can use these.  Otherwise, just use water.  The important thing is that he doesn't dehydrate.  I wouldn't worry too much about him not eating tonight.

Has anything changed in his environment?  Such as, new bedding, or perhaps someone has sprayed something near his cage?  I just wonder if he has come into contact with something that has caused this type of reaction or if there is some other illness going on.  If you have changed anything inside his cage, such as bedding, then I suggest you remove it immediately and perhaps just use some paper towels instead.   

I'm sorry I can't give you specific advice as it is very difficult knowing what has gone on without more information.  I appreciate how worrying it is for you right now, but I do hope that you are able to get your hamster to a vet first thing in the morning.
