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whats wrong w/ my hammy?

21 11:30:19

 I have a hamster who has been in perfect health.  However, in the last week
or so she has begun to have some issues.  There is a wet thick discharge
from her lower regions, though I am not sure if it is urine or feces.    Also,
today I found one of her eyes wet and with some puss.  As well, her cage
smell pretty bad.  I have changed it numerous times, but it still smells (I am
thinking from the discharge)
Any idea whats wrong?  I have had a hamster with wettail before, and this
seems different.  She is not as lethargic, and not hunched over as I have seen
with wet tail.  
Please please help!  I love her and want to make her better.  THANKS!

Hi Anya

You need to get her seen by a vet as quickly as possible. It sounds as though she has a uterine infection. This causes the stomach area to swell slightly and fill with pus and this spills out through the uterus.  It also causes the eyes to collect pus.  Female hamsters can get a sticky discharge one day in 4 as part of their normal cycle, but from what you have told me it definitely sounds more like an infection.

She needs to be prescribed antibiotics as quickly as possible as this condition, if left, can be serious.

Hope you get on OK