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Hello-I have e female...

21 13:29:04


I have e female hamster, who gave birth two weeks ago. She ate all of her babies.

Now she looks as if she has very severe wet tail and some vaginal bleeding.

What should I do? I am giving her wet tail medicine.

Thank you.


Hello! Poor female hamster. She was probably really stressed for some reason and that's why she ate her babies. It seems like the birth was just too much for her. She needs to go to the vet asap. The bleeding is not good and she is not doing well right now at all. You did your best with the wet tail medicine and sometimes it doesn't work. The vet is the only person that could try to save her. I hope you get her there in time because now she is in critical condition if it's severe as you say it is. Don't panic or feel bad if you can't save her in time. You did the best you could do and some hamsters just get so stressed after giving birth that sometimes nothing can be done. Please keep me posted on what happens. :-)