Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > male/female


21 11:43:27

I have 2 Russian dwarf hamsters and i am not sure what sex they as they are my first. I know what to look for, and i an very sure that 1 of them is a female, but i am not sure about the other. It is larger then the female, and it shows signs of a male e.g. 2 hole with a large gap and a bulge at its rear end, but i am still not sure. I need some help as the female might be pregnant, although it is showing no signs. Thanks!

Hi Hayley,

This picture should help you determine what sex your hamsters are:

If you've determined that one of your hamsters is a male, you should go ahead and place him in a different cage, since they will mate frequently.

Signs that a female is pregnant include the following: She will stop coming into heat, which would normally occur every 4 days in a non-pregnant hamster.  (This is the easiest sign to look out for.)  Also, she will begin building a large nest and hoarding food in it.  Around day 10 of the pregnancy, her belly will expand and her nipples may be more prominent.

Have a great day!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
