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New Owner

21 11:40:50

I am purchasing a hamster very soon and I have a few questions.
1) How do you potty train a hamster, and is it worth it? Also, does a hamster potty tray work just as well as an enclosed potty?
2) What type of cage is best to raise a female Syrian hamster? I was thinking of a 10-gallon aquarium tank with a 4 level wire cage topper (home-made on ebay). Is this a good cage to use?
3) How can I create a relationship with my hamster, so that he will not be afraid of me and will not jump out of my hands? 2 years ago, I had another hamster, and he would never want to come out of his little house and would not let me pick him up without great difficulty.

Thanks so so so much!! I really appreciate your help in advance!

Answer 1, hamster potties work on the idea that hamsters will use the same corner of the cage to use as a potty, if your hamster does not use a corner, then it pretty much can't work. My hamster uses his cage lookout as a potty, so he can't use a hamster potty. It isnt worth it.

Answer 2. The one you described is perfect. I have a 10 gallon and an outside tube system, but I've always wanted to try the cage topper, it's an excelent idea.

Answer 3. Taming a hamster isn't easy, my way to get around it: handle all the hamsters at the pet store and pick the one who is the least squirmy and shy. This way you have a nice hand tamed ham right off the bat.