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My new Syrian hamster.

21 11:55:39

Well today i got a new hamster and when i was looking at him before i bought him i noticed he was chewing on the metal edge and the wooden tube.In his new cage there is a wooden tube for him but i also have plastic tubes with plastic rimes at the end. I'm worried he will start to chew them. Is there anything else i can do to reflect his attention away from these.

thank you for your question.
There should be no plastic at all in a hamster's cage (the exception is the Wodent Wheel made by , they use plastic that doesn't come off in sharp pieces when chewed).
Use cardboard tubes and containers for the hamster to play, branches and twigs from hardwood (willow, hazel, beech, birch, oak, apple, pear, must be untreated) are also fine as well as cork and clay tunnels.
I hope I was of some help to you