Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > what can i do?

what can i do?

21 12:00:38

hi there,
i recently asked a question about my hamster, on how its eye was all red and swollen. the person i asked figured it was infected or the hamster was sick, which is understandable. but now my hamster seems to drag its butt along, and kinda looks hunched over? could this be diaheria or dry tail? and what can i do to fix this?
thanx for the help

Hi Alex,

You say it is dragging its bum along? Have you noticed any diarroeha. What i suggest is you pick up the hamster and look underneath at the bottom area. If it appears really wet/smelly/matted fur or pooey then it could be wet tail. Hamsters also become very dehydrated with this illness as they don't drink, so check to see if you think he has stopped drinking!!

Another sign of wet tail in the later stage is they eyes becoming red and swollen.

Without actually seeing it, it is very difficult to diagnose what is the matter with it, but is sounds like you do need to get it to a vet. I have suggested Wet Tail as it is a possibility, and is also very common in hamsters.
There are a number of other illnesses it could be though, so do go to the vets as whatever it is i really don't think it will go without treatment!!

Wet Tail is a very serious condition which needs treating quickly as it can be fatal, but if you are early enough it is normally treatable.

I hope that this helps?

If you need anything else feel free to ask.

I hope that is isn't anything to serious and that he gets better soon!!
