Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamster biting and scratching himself

Hamster biting and scratching himself

21 11:51:10

QUESTION: Hi there i know you only specialise in syrians but i have a russian dwarf M! her 4 days ago. shes 3 months old.i have noticed that she does be biting and scratching at herself quite a bit and was just wondering what could be causing this and if there is anything i ould get for her? i use the shavings in her cage...they would hardly be annoying her. also she is very vicious and wont let me pick her up, shes quiet fast at getting away and manages to give you a nip before she legs it lol..
ANSWER: Hi Ursula,

    What type of shavings are you using?
    With the nipping, this is probably because she is scared. When bringing a hamster home for the first time, you should leave them alone for the first few days (make sure they have food and water, but don't try to pick them up) so that they can get used to their new home and surroundings. After that, you may try to pick her up.
    It is also best to wash your hands before handling a hamster, because if they smell food on your hands, they may think it is food and try to bite.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi again....tanx so much..they are Plospan woodchippings...the place i got her from they had only the bedding in the cages..the fluffy stuff and no chippings,hay or paper so could it be that she is not used to it?thank you...

Hello again Ursula,

    I would really suggest changing the bedding to aspen, critter care or carefresh. There could be something in the Plospan (like pine or cedar, which is toxic to hamsters) that is causing her to itch. If changing the bedding does not help with the biting and scratching, then you may want to have her checked for mites.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thanks again for writing!