Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamster Names:)

Hamster Names:)

21 13:28:29

Dear Kelly,
    I was just curios about what your top three favorite male hamster names are?

Hi Shelby,

Hmmm...I've never gotten this question before!

Well, I like names that are simple, nothing fancy.  After all, most hamsters aren't exactly fancy :)  One of my favorite hamsters with a great personality had the name Sammy.  Tommy and Nibbles are pretty cute names, too.  My personal favorite name is Sir Cream Puff.  That was the name I gave to my large, fluffy, tan and white hamster who, obviously, looked like a cream puff :)  I called him Sir Puffy for short.  

I'm afraid I'm not too great at making up creative names, but perhaps I've given you some inspiration :)

Most of all, have fun with naming your hamster!  Try to name it something that seems to fit its personality.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
