Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my hamsters skin is peeling!!!!

my hamsters skin is peeling!!!!

21 11:32:21

my hamsters just had babies about a month ago and we noticed Goober(one of the babies) has been scratching CONSTANTLY! when we picked him up to look we noticed that his skin was pealing very badly the other two babies are scratching too but their skin is not pealing and none of them have any bugs or anything  
so my question to you is what is it and what can we do about it

Hi Cayla

Hamsters can get mites and these can cause them to scratch a lot. They can also suffer from allergic reactions to bedding etc.  

You need to get them to a vet so that they can prescribe the necessary medication.  If this is down to mites, this is easily treated.  If it is down to an allergic skin disease - this is harder to treat because you need to work out what has caused it.  This can be done by removing any wood chippings and replacing them with paper bedding etc.  It is a case of experimenting and removing various items and seeing if there is any improvement.  

they will be feeling extremely uncomfortable and if they scratch too much and bleed they are at risk from infections,therefore a vet needs to see them as soon as possible.  

Good luck with this