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hamsters food

21 11:54:22

I have a fancy hamster,Lily.Can u feed her any table food?I feed her hamster food and these cheese cakes that i got from my grandparents 4 her on X-mas.The cheese cakes are food that are in the shape of circles.  

Dear Brianna,
thank you for yur question.
Hamsters shouldn't get any table food, pasta without sauce is the only exception (only occasionally). The cheese cakes are fine as a treat as well, if they don't contain too much sugar (check the ingredients list, if sugar is listed in the first three places, I'd avoid them).
Vegetables, leafy greens and fruits should be part of her diet at least every other day. Dandelion, chickweed, daisies, pansies, marigold flowers, rose flowers, strawberry leaves (all only when not treated with pesticides), apple, pear, zucchini, pumpkin, chard (mangold), cucumber, carrots (the greens, too), bell pepper, banana and grapes can for example be fed. She also needs animal protein: mealworms, crickets, locusts (can be bought alive, canned or dried), dried brine shrimp or dry cat food are good sources of that.
Nuts (peanuts only without shell), pumpkin and sunflower seeds and raisins are good treats, but are very fatty and Lily should have only two nuts or raisins per week or one seed per day.
I hope I was of some help to you