Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Friendly Hammies

Friendly Hammies

21 13:30:08

How do i get to be friends with me hammy and how should i get to pick it up. is there any techniques?. Also what unusual food do they like to eat?

Dear Brandon,
thank you for your question.
You need to be patient, it may take a while. Put your flat hand in the cage and let the hamster come to investigate by itself. You can offer a treat on your hand. As soon as the hamster is comfortable walking over and sitting on your hand, you can start to gently move it around the cage. When the hamster doesn't jump off any more, use your other hand to form a cave to make the hamster feel secure and take it out of the cage. At first, only do so over a table or on the floor to avoid any injuries should the hamster jump off.

The best method to pick up a hamster is to place both hands over it like a cave and then gently bring your fingers together until the hamster sits in your hand. When the hamster is tame, you can hold it around the middle with just one hand, but it's important that you use this just to pick it up and place it somewhere else since the hamster might wriggle out of your hand.

Hamsters can be fed curd cheese, egg (not too much), mealworms, locusts, almost all fruits and vegetables or cooked pasta. Here is a good list:
Dwarf hamsters shouldn't be fed fruits or at least not very often since they are prone to diabetes.

I hope I was of some help