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HELP! Wet tail signs maybe?

21 11:30:44

Hi. I have what I think is a russian hamster although I am not exactly sure. She is white with s tsn spot on her back and has red eyes. Yesterday I went to change her bedding and realized that she looked weak, she was stumbling around as if drunk, she could barely walk, and she has a hunched up back. I thought it could be dehydration or lack of food in age so I gave her two bowls of food and even more water. She walks better now and looks a lot better, but she still has a lil hunch on her back. Could you please help me? I know a vet is the best thing, but they cant fit me in for a few days and I don't want her to die on me. She is only a year old, if that. Thanks!

Hello britni,
actually your hamster doesn't have wettail. Dwarf hamsters rarely, rarely get wettail. Dwarf hamsters also only live 1-2 years. Until she sees a vet there are a few things that can be done. If you are able to go to PetSmart I would buy some Oasis Vitadrops. They are very palatable to small animals and can really add extra vitamins to help boost the immune system and also gives hamsters a good boost in energy too.
Also, I would try to give your hamster a little bit of gatorade to keep her hydrated and feed her some plain granola if you are able to find some and give that to the hamster as well.