Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > missing hammy

missing hammy

21 12:00:55

i just got my teddy bear hamster 3 days ago, and i went away for the week, and my brother forgot to close the cage. we looked literally everywhere...all i want is to find my hammy, safe and unharmed..i dont want any other hamster, just my litte Cheo(name of hammy)
         email me ASAP!! plaese and thank you

Hi Alisha,

First, close every door in your house and pick up any electrical wires on the floor.  (And, obviously, watch your step very carefully.)  Place a spoonful of hamster food, along with a slice of an apple or carrot, in each room.  Keep checking to see if any food has been eaten.  Wherever it has been eaten, then you'll know which room your hamster is in and you can greatly narrow your search.

Also, try this method: Gather a towel, a bucket, and some books.  Line the bucket with the towel.  Make a little staircase with the books so that they lead up to the edge of the bucket.  Finally, place a piece of apple or carrot (which have a strong smell) in the bucket.  Hopefully, your hamster will follow the food's smell and end up safely in the bucket.

Lastly, if you have any other pets, such as a cat or dog, make sure they're not in the house.  Even a dog is a threat to a hamster.

I hope you find Cheo soon!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
