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has my hamster got mites?

21 11:37:20

Hello, my hamster Boris (boy) is 1 years old and a half. The other day I noticed on his right side where his scent glands are he has lost some fur. At first I thought it was due to his age but then I read a article on the internet that if I see black specs on his skin he has mites. I had a check all over his body pulling the fur back and noticed black specs all over apart from under his tummy. So should the skin be all peachy over with no black specs? the black specs i see don't move around so I am confused. Shall I buy some mite spray or even take him to the vet? and would you suggest that I throw away the sawdust I use for him, but the thing is I have always used it and nothing has happend.
I am really worried about my hammy. thanks Amanda

Hi Amanda,

    I really don't think he has mites. Mites are tiny red dots that move around on your hamster which causes them to scratch excessively and lose hair. Black specs, that move around would be fleas and since the black specs on Boris aren't moving I don't feel it is fleas either.
    I am thinking that the black specs are just age spots, which older hamsters will get sometimes and the hair loss is probably due to age.
    I would suggest, as a precaution, to disinfect his cage with diluted bleach (3 cups hot water to one cup bleach, then rinse well with hot water). Also disinfect the wheel, food dish, water dish (if using) and any toys that can be washed. Any toys that can't be washed should be thrown away. You can still use the sawdust, if that is what you prefer. I would not use the mite spray, unless you see tiny red dots moving around on him.
   If he should start scratching excessively and loosing more hair and you use the mite spray, but it does not help, then he should be seen by a vet. .
   If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!