Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > teddy bears

teddy bears

21 11:37:12

how do you tell if ther a boy or girl? if so how long does it take to bread t how
many monts does it take to have the babbys

Hi Nicky,

    Look at the hamsters private area, a male will have two holes far apart ( .  . ) and near the bottom hole they will have a two lumps (one on each side, his testicles). A female will also have two holes but they are closer together ( .. ) and may sometimes appear as only one hole.
    If the female is in season (heat) you can put her in the males cage for about 30 minutes to breed but should they start fighting, the female should be removed right away.
    A teddy bears (which is a types of Syrian) gestation period is 16 days (from the day they mated). So count 16 days for the day you mate them and if she ends up pregnant, this will be her due date.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!