Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > new hamster owner has some concerns

new hamster owner has some concerns

21 11:37:12

QUESTION: I just got a teddybear hamster (specifically a panda bear hamster)
hes a good boy except for the occasional nibble or two
although i have been a freak about him getting sick, ive heard that wet tail
can be obtained from stress and the ride home for Mr. Checkers was more
than that, i believe and i am afraid that he may have a symptom if it
earlier tonight he dug a hole on the side of his cage bedding and put his legs
on the corner and pee/pooped (im not sure) and when he walked away it was
a milky white/yellowish color
should i be concerned, or am i just paranoid???????

ANSWER: Hi Britt

I'm sure you don't have to worry.  Hamster pee is a very cloudy yellow/orange color.  

You are right in that wet tail can be brought on by stress - the symptoms of wet tail is severe diarrhea.  The hamster becomes very quiet and doesn't want to move.  If your hamster develops these symptoms then you need to get him to a vet urgently as this disease causes the hamster to dehydrate rapidly which can be fatal.

However, sometimes hamsters get a little bit stressed from going to a new home but after a day or two they settle down.  Hamsters tend to have different habits - some are very clean and only pee in one corner, others tend to do this over their food store or in their bedding, which is annoying.  If your hamster is doing this, just replace the bedding that is soiled.

The main thing is to keep the cage clean - this means a clean out every week.  Every day you should throw out any uneaten fresh vegetables and if you can remove any soiled wood chippings.  This will prevent him getting sick.  Also, make sure the cage is in a good location - not near a window, not in a doorway - they need a steady temperature.  Don't spray air fresheners near the cage as this can also make them sick. Also make sure he has a good diet - basic hamster dry food, small amount of fresh vegetables every evening (avoid giving lettuce as this can cause diarrhea), and also make sure he has clean water.

I have fostered hundreds of hamsters over the last 12 years and have never had one with wet tail - considering most of the hamsters I take in have been abandoned or treated badly I think you just have to be unlucky to get one that develops wet tail.   Many of the hamsters I see are so traumatized it takes me a few weeks to calm them down so they can be handled - but it is rare they actually develop any illness because of this.

If you follow the basic hygiene rules, and monitor your hamster for the next few days, he'll probably be fine.  As mentioned before, if he does develop diarrhea or clearly looks unwell - not wanting food/water or wanting to move around or play - then get him to a vet as soon as possible.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks so much that was very helpful
i also had another quick question concerning gnawing
Checkers likes to chew on the metal bars of his cage so i moved him to a 10 gallon tank
he has managed to climb up his water bottle and try to chew on the new wire top
is there anything you can suggest that i can put on or around that cage to keep him from doing this
another reason besides the fear of him escaping is that he will almost everytime fall of the water bottle and land on his back which im guessing can be good....suggestions?

Hamsters love chewing. It is important that they chew as their teeth continually grow so they need to file them down.  If he hasn't got bars to chew, he will climb to the top to find somewhere else he can chew - this is why wire cages are often better for them.  If you are worried he is falling off things - the best way is to put extra deep woodshavings/bedding so that if he falls he won't hurt himself.  These little creatures are quite robust but occasionally they do hurt themselves (break legs etc) if they fall awkwardly.  With regard to chewing - if you are going to keep him in a tank - then you need to give him things to chew - you can buy special wooden toys/sticks from the petstore that are designed for hamsters.
