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my hamster broke her front foot

21 13:32:28

my hamster broke her front foot on the ball thatson the floor, when i picked her up she was not moving as much i then placed her in her cage and she started walking a little bit but now i am getting no movement, and i think she cant open her mouth. my family doesnt want to take her to the vet. what should i do?

Hey, Khaotica.
If your hamster broke her foot, you should:

-remove her excercise wheel or anything that she can excercise with in her cage
-feed her high-protein high-calcium treats (such as small pieces of bread soaked in milk)
-and make sure she's eating and drinking water

Other than that though, there's not much more you can do.  The foot will heal by itself.  Even taking her to the vet wouldn't help much.  The foot will heal rather quickly too, in a week or two.  

Hope that helps, and good luck with your hamster.  If you have any more questions about your hamster, feel free to ask.  Best wishes to both of you.