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My female doesnt come into season

21 11:13:49

I am trying to mate my hamsters. I have a 5 month old femal syrian and a 2yr old male syrian i have tryed 7 days in a row and so far it has failed.

i try at about 9-9.30 every evening the male seems to get the idea but spends most of his time chasing her around the cage. she doesnt fight him, but just isn't receptive either.  

Could you please help, are some females just not interested? or am i doing it at the wrong time maybe?

than you

Hi Connor

Females come into season every 4 days.  The best way of trying to mate them is to place her on the male's cage each evening (try it at different times from early evening to late) - let them sniff each other through the bars.  After a few minutes, scratch the female's back - if she is in season at that moment she will go rigid and raise her tail.  If this is the case then it is safe to put them together - always in neutral territory and watch them all the time.  If she doesn't respond to him or is aggressive then she isn't in season.

I had a male once who didn't seem to know what to do - he wanted to wash her ears so I had to position him.  Mating can be over in a few minutes but you must watch them all the time so that you can separate them if either becomes aggressive.

I've never tried mating such an old male before and I wonder if perhaps he is just too old to father babies.  She is at her prime right now, but I do not recommend mating after about 6 months as there can be complications with birth.

Why are you trying to mate them?  Are you aware that a litter can be as many as 14 and at 4 weeks they need sexing and separating into single sex cages, and at 6 weeks they all need a cage of their own?  It is quite a big responsibility trying to find enough homes.  The older the female gets the more chance of complications and difficulty giving birth, therefore after 6 months it isn't recommended.

If you really do want a litter, then do you have a friend with a younger male hamster that you could borrow for the next 4 evenings.  When you put them together you must watch them carefully -I hover over them ready to separate is necessary as if you happen to get the wrong day the female can be very aggresive.

I hope this helps you.
